This past winter, I got to experience snow. A lot of it.
Maybe a little more than I wanted. On the positive side, I got some pictures
and some thinking out of it. Snow is used as an illustration for forgiveness in
the Bible. Isaiah 1:18 says, “…’Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall
be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.”
Think about a front yard. Let’s say it is a yard that hasn’t
been well kept. There are pop cans strewn about. A broken cooking dish is lying
next to a set of steps that looks like it could be pushed over without much
effort. It isn’t a place you want to look at. Then something happens. Little
white specks start falling from the sky.
At first just a few. Then more and more until the yard looks
sprinkled with powdered sugar. Then only the tips of blades of grass show. Then
the lawn is a solid blanket of ivory. All of the refuse and clutter is covered,
and all that is visible is purity. It doesn’t matter what was left exposed in
the beginning. Now everything below is camouflaged beneath a blanket of equality.
Now you can’t tell what was wrong with the yard.
In the same way, God can cover up our sins when we repent
and ask for forgiveness. It’s as though they never existed. Hebrews 8:12 says, “For
I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless
deeds I will remember no more.” Once we are forgiven, there is no trace of what
was wrong with us before in God’s eyes. This is stated beautifully in Psalm
103:12: “As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our
transgressions from us.”
On their own, some front yards are more aesthetically pleasing
than others. Some have intricate landscaping and colorful gnomes. When covered
with snow, it doesn’t make a difference. All yards look pretty much the same.
It is similar with Christians. Whether what you needed removed was “big” or
not, once we are under the cover of forgiveness, we’re all just white like snow. I
Corinthians 6:10 lists several of the more unglamorous sins. The following
verse says “And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were
sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the
Spirit of our God.” I love this verse, and my two favorite words in it are the
first “were” and “but.” Whatever we have been, we aren’t now, because God has taken
it away.
The thing about snow is it melts. We are human, and we will
sin again. The pop cans start to show up as heralds that all is not as it
should be. That’s why I John 1:7 is so important. It says, “But if we walk in
the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the
blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” This statement
addresses believers who are following God. It points out that Jesus’ blood
cleanses us from sin while we are in this state.
I am so thankful for the blessing of forgiveness. I miss the
“do overs” I used to be generously given when I was little. Even though adult
life doesn’t provide them often, God does. We won’t remain sinless on our own;
when we make mistakes, we require forgiveness again. We need another snowfall.
May the Lord bless and keep you,
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