What's Going on Now

Happy summer!

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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Three Things to Pray for Fellow Christians


One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is prayer. There are many things and people that we can and should pray for, one of which is brothers and sisters in Christ. After all, we're family. We should consider and help each other however we can. No matter if it's the person sitting next to you in the pew on Sundays or a preacher in New Zealand you may never meet, one thing we can do every single day for all Christians is pray. Today let's think about a few specific things we can pray for our Christian family.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Leaving a Legacy


It’s 12:06 AM on Sunday morning. I’m writing this post on my trusty laptop as my husband is driving us home from a baptism.  Things like this, what we’re doing right now, matter. It’s been an eventful day for several reasons, and I’ve had some things on my mind. Mostly what’s left behind when we’re gone.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Splitting the Strawberry


It finally happened. The first garden strawberry of the season. My favorite food is strawberries straight out of the garden, washed, and eaten while you can still taste the sun's warmth in the juicy sweetness. The first one this year came by itself, and I was beside myself with excitement.